This EASTER! think on this.....
Jesus Christ proclaimed a new ritual. It was and is totally different from the traditional passover meal. His was and is Based in consuming HIS Flesh and drinking His Blood. The disciples and their followers are to eat his flesh and drink his blood the rest of their earthly life.This is WITCHCRAFT!
Witches are not cannibals as such, they engage in similar negative highly charged ceremonies. Usually accompanied by ghosts or spirits.
Satanic sacrifices always charges up the room with a feeling (ENERGIES) imbuing participants with emotional feelings!
The last supper is an adventure into transubstantiation. Which is an act that converts bread and the wine used in the sacrament of the Eucharist, not merely as symbolic or a figurative, but in reality the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ. If not taken seriously as St Paul teaches the doer stand in condemnation! WHAT an open 'witches act" we see here!
The Torah teaches the complete opposite. It specifically says in Leviticus and many other places " the blood is the life therefore don't eat the flesh with the blood or drink the blood!"
Symbolic Rites!
Even symbolic acts involving blood are totally prohibited, Why? Because such actions sends signals into the satanic realm. Just like dialing a correct mobile number to an enemy brings contact with them. Thus symbolic rituals are as powerful as actual devil calls!They birth forth demons and evil energies!
Black-people's Demise.
This last supper ritual or ceremony is our spiritual demise. Black people must repent of this ceremony and seek to do right...
We share this in Love for humanity.. in desire that we leave wayward ways and seek the face of the High Eternal One in repentance.