Thursday, 26 March 2015

We Deny Witches Space!

 This EASTER! think on this.....

Jesus Christ proclaimed a new ritual. It was and is totally different from the traditional passover meal. His was and is Based in consuming HIS Flesh and drinking His Blood. The disciples and their followers are to eat his flesh and drink his blood the rest of their earthly life.



Witches are not cannibals as such, they engage in similar negative highly charged ceremonies. Usually accompanied by ghosts or spirits.
Satanic sacrifices always charges up the room with a feeling (ENERGIES) imbuing participants with emotional feelings!
The last supper is an adventure into transubstantiation. Which is an act that converts bread and the wine used in the sacrament of the Eucharist, not merely as symbolic or a figurative, but in reality the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ. If not taken seriously as St Paul teaches the doer stand in condemnation! WHAT an open 'witches act" we see here!
The Torah teaches the complete opposite. It specifically says in Leviticus and many other places " the blood is the life therefore don't eat the flesh with the blood or drink the blood!"
Symbolic Rites!
Even symbolic acts involving blood are totally prohibited, Why? Because such actions sends signals into the satanic realm. Just like dialing a correct mobile number to an enemy brings contact with them. Thus symbolic rituals are as powerful as actual devil calls!They birth forth demons and evil energies!
Black-people's Demise.
This last supper ritual or ceremony is our spiritual demise. Black people must repent of this ceremony and seek to do right...
We share this in Love for humanity.. in desire that we leave wayward ways and seek the face of the High Eternal One in repentance.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Monday, 16 March 2015

Auto Cure Health

Bodily Waste.

 And He said: "If you will diligently harken to the voice of the L-rd, your G-d, and will do that which is right in His sight, and will give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon you which I put on the Egyptians; for I am the L-rd, your healer". (Exodus 15:26) 
 Image result for aids symptomsImage result for aids symptoms


The most fundamental Law of Self Cure or Auto Cure is acknowledging that all forms of disease are due to  the accumulation inside our bodies and mind of waste or useless materials. Bodily junk, like menstruation blood left overs, childbirth, sexual relations, nocturnal emission, unusual bodily fluids, skin disease, death, and animal sacrifices have a tendency to steadily pile up in the body of the individual concerned. 

Specifically through years of wrong habits of living. the chief of these being wrong feeding, improper care of the body, and habits tending to set up exhaustion, such as worry, overwork, excesses and abuses of all kinds, etc.

Eliminate wasteImage result for detox


From the first principle of Auto Cure, it follows that the only way in which disease can be cured is by the introduction of methods which will enable the system to throw off these toxic accumulations which are daily clogging the wheels of the human machine. And to that sole end all natural treatment is directed at enabling every pore and hole in our body to eliminate waste instantly.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Modern Egyptian Slaves

 Egyptians Today.

Could modern day descendents of ancient Egypt  in for a rough ride!
 Why is the Middle East in turmoil and bathing in blood ceaselessly?
Modern Egyptians are today's worse slaves and lowly of all kingdoms.   

How do we know?

 Scripture tells us so.


Prophecy against them found in the Holy Bible.

Ezekiel 29-31 

Ezekiel 29. .....‘I am against you, Pharaoh king of Egypt,you great monster lying among your streams. You say, “The Nile belongs to me;
    I made it for myself.”

Ancient Egyptian having been given extreme knowledge fumbled on wisdom. This knowledge was all about Creation, The Creator and The Laws. They became blind and  fell. It began in those early years through worshiping the River Nile and sacred animals. Judgement was passed and today their descendents have been enslaved and scattered out of Africa. 

Continue with the prophecy.

But I will put hooks in your jaws
    and make the fish of your streams stick to your scales.
I will pull you out from among your streams,
    with all the fish sticking to your scales.
I will leave you in the desert,
    you and all the fish of your streams.
You will fall on the open field
    and not be gathered or picked up.
I will give you as food
    to the beasts of the earth and the birds of the sky.

This has happened.  The fish mentioned here represent the populace. Of course among them are some  tribes of the fish or rather marine totem.
Included in the same prophecy are the Hiburus too...
 ‘You have been a staff of reed for the people of Israel. When they grasped you with their hands, you splintered and you tore open their shoulders; when they leaned on you, you broke and their backs were wrenched.[a

  Hiburus shall suffer more pain  in slavery!

A Slight Reprieve

History has the habit of repeating itself unless we learn from its lessons. 

So a slight generational reprieve comes and and passes away.

14 I will bring them back from captivity and return them to Upper Egypt, the land of their ancestry. There they will be a lowly kingdom. 15 It will be the lowliest of kingdoms and will never again exalt itself above the other nations. I will make it so weak that it will never again rule over the nations. 16 Egypt will no longer be a source of confidence for the people of Israel but will be a reminder of their sin in turning to her for help.Then they will know that I am the Sovereign Lord.’”

Who Is an Egyptian?  

 "Upper Egypt, the land of their ancestry"- This is worthy repeating. Many scholars tell us lies that ancient Egyptians were not Black. They show "white" washed images and pictures.  The prophet Ezekiel releases the cat from the pouch of lies. Read those words. Where did the Egyptian originate? 



The answer is there for all to read.   
There is more. THERE WAS A STOP BY THE Creator to having native Pharaoh  on the Egyptian throne... 
 Ezekiel 30:13
Thus saith the Lord Adonnahi; I will also destroy the idols, and I will cause their images to cease out of Noph; and there shall be no more a prince of the land of Egypt: and I will put a fear in the land of Egypt. New Rulers are now White Arabs....
END OF GLOBAL Black Rule! 

Black people tamed this planet. They founded the basic building blocks for our current modern civilization. BLACKS you are right once ruled the whole earth and for over 7000 years there was no army or prisons. Everyone observed MA"AT.  Then they fell. From being top they will remain lowly!
Descendents of ancient Egyptians are today's lowly kingdoms of Black Africa and those Africans in the diaspora the enSlaved ones!

 It is the Time to SEEK his FACE and Repent!

Monday, 9 March 2015

SAY NO To Reparations. Here Is Why

Black Chattel

For the record black people founded the one and longest lasting civilization. 
For over 7000 years they had no army or prisons! They also discovered spirituality, invented writing, mathematics, geometry and language. The proof of their ingenuity is beyond dispute. Ancient monuments like the pyramids and old cities straddle the earth. 

Suffice to say their children  are today the least and most backward race. Why?  They hanker to be paid reparations! Black folks were GREAT beyond measure. Then what happened?
Greeks Learn Wisdom and influences  the World up to To NOW!

Greeks Western Civilization.

From all over the earth people  trekked into Egypt to study. The Greeks exceed them all. Thales of Milete informs us that the famed Pythagoras went to Memphis, Egypt, to study. The Egyptian priests were the source of knowledge and information. Thales stated this when he himself was Greece’s most prominent and highly praised philosopher, even though it would be his protege Pythagoras who is presently preeminently remembered as the “first philosopher”.
Plato also migrated to Egypt. He for a period of 13 years learned at the feet of ancient Egyptian Priest Teachers. One of his great mentor was Chinoufuse, a priest of Heliopolis modern Cairo and  near the Great Pyramid. All Greek idealists and thinkers have Egypt to thank

Blacks Father modern Industrial Life Style

For almost 500 years beginning around 1640 White Arabs and sellout black chiefs captured and sold black people. Soon Europe mastered this and the enslavement and sell of black folks like a veldts fire spread all over Europe. Conservative estimates puts the number of blacks that were enslaved to almost half a billion! These black folks worked  in the fields and in industry of Europe and the Americas helping to bring about the industrial revolution.

REMEMBER they were not paid, they had no pension, and they worked for long years. Our modern world and current western soon to be global culture is built on the foundations of discoveries made by ancient Ethiopian Egyptians and their modern descendants whom the White Arabs and Europeans enslaved...
Reparations Why Not!
There is a global movement for reparations for slavery. The big question is why should anybody have to pay descendants of slaves? To answer this we have to ask how these reparations are to be paid.  MONEY will be used! 
If YES we need to follow by asking “Where this MONEY” will come from? 
Perhaps we need to ask a general question; where does money come from? 
Who owns it?
 Is it a natural phenomenon or man-made commodity?

Where MONEY comes from?

The masses would be flabbergasted when they find out that even amongst bankers, economists, and policymakers, there is no common understanding of how new money is created or even where the old one disappears to. 

Without going into too much technical details money is printed by a monopolistic cartel. It is actually not even worth the paper on which it is emblazoned. Physical cash is less than 3 per cent of the total stock of money in an economy run by a centralized banking system. Commercial bank money – credit and coexistent deposits – makes up the remaining 97 per cent of the money supply. So if we shout that reparations must be paid to us in full what will stop the powers that be printing trillions of papers and paying all black folks!

I read that the Japanese or the white Jews of _Israel_received reparation. My question is, were they enslaved for 500 years? Did they have their source continent colonized too? Are they still ostracized today? 

 I say NO TO ANY form Of Reparations! 

You too say NO!!!!!!!!

Africa Unique Experience.

 Black people are a prophetic race.

 Readings in some ancient Egypt manuscripts reveals prophecies of black people being enslaved and losing their power. In the bible, an African book prophecy tells us that black people will be enslaved and be the least race because we left the Law!  

Ezekiel 29-30 and Deuteronomy 28 explain in prophetic language the future history of black people. 

This has happened and even more terrifying events will take place soon involving the black race.  Our unique experience is that we ought to be circumspect and be wise on these highly prophetic times….

Monday, 2 March 2015

Prophets Or Profits Choose!

There is a frightening phenomenon engulfing our nation Zimbabwe. There is  a horde of citizens claiming to be prophets and in their wake have multitudes of followers pouring money in form of tithes.They teach prosperity and mimic in toto success applied psychology. Nothing is wrong. Yet we ask who or what are the signs that one is a prophet or prophetess.
The Law
When we look into the Torah and search for the first figure named as a prophet we see Father Abarahama.(Abraham). We ask what traits did he carry?We see that he was a Law Keeper! He was circumcised! Genesis 17. He also kept the Laws. Genesis 26. Following our tracker we conclude that all prophets and prophetesses were Torah Keepers up to even Jesus if we dare agree he lived! And yet our modern friends on the pulpit deny and TEACH rebellion against the Law!
 KEY Clue
A key scripture that must guide us is found in Deuteronomy. THE MAJOR THEME IS IF anyone proclaims that they are either a prophet or other title they must teach about only one CREATOR!Read Deut 13 v1-5. If a prophet, or one who foretells by dreams, appears among you and announces to you a miraculous sign or wonder,
2 and if the sign or wonder of which he has spoken takes place, and he says, "Let us follow other gods" (gods you have not known) "and let us worship them,"

3 you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The LORD your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul.

4 It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.
5 That prophet or dreamer must be put to death, because he preached rebellion against the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt and redeemed you from the land of slavery; he has tried to turn you from the way the LORD your God commanded you to follow. You must purge the evil from among you. 
Yet these fellows teach about the devil, about Jesus, the Holy Ghost and so forth. They are mere testers to US ... Let us shun them and move on to worship the original true Creator! 
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Sunday, 1 March 2015

meaning of being

Who Am I?

How can we live if we do not know who we are?
But, hang on, can we know the answer? Is it really necessary?
When you purchase a gadget, say a smartphone you are bound to receipt also a booklet inside, concerning the gadget.  This is obviously common sense
What about us? When we were born  did we too come along with a small booklet. A manual for living or Life? Where is this essential life guide? Do we KNOW?

We Are....?

We must to first define meaning of being.

In this video we battle this out. Please watch this video and proceed afterwards.....!

We are a physical entity of Flesh and Blood. Either male or female. On top of all this we thrive on sensory abilities. We also at times deliberately THINK! Most of the times we just trod on in auto pilot.
So what!
Is this all we are? 

We Can Either be Good or Evil!

To define who we are it is clear we need to look inside our being. It is not hard. Philosophers, religionists as well as scientist have made this common sense purview sophisticated . Its not.The manual of our being on this planet ought to be in us like the small booklet in our package with our smartphone. We need to be real. Nature affords us to learn to read this manual. The huge difference is that the manual is not read like a book. Ignore them books when it comes to personal life matters. Use them as sign posts to be left fixed onto their spot as you move on. Surely you do not uproot  sign post  that tells you how many kilometers are left to reach  your destination....Image result for gokwe
 Life's manual.... IS EXPERIENCED! 
It Is not known by nouns only but VERBS!
To know by ACTION following intense clear original planning oozing out of our brains in  thinking. To enhance reading our life's manual one has to set goals.

Goal Setting Is Way Up..Image result for set goals in life

Say you set  a goal about being healthy. Once we set this and empower this thought through repetition it will become dominant inside our brains. Soon life is bound to perceive  foods that causes illness. Once we eliminate these foods we move on. We evolve towards perfecting this body of flesh and blood. Goal setting is congruent in unraveling the meaning of being. Goal setting is a vital tool that allows us to define and answer the conundrum of life.

The Answer....To Who is Me...?

We know who we are by the goals we have achieved more than those we wish.
Let me give an example... Image result for henry ford

Henry Ford.
Who was he?
That's it you may not know his height, his attitude or personal details but you KNOW WHO THIS MAN WAS? How? By those goals he set and achieved......